Salthill Mothers Mafai / Galway / Ireland

Well now its this issue of what I will have to term, ‘The Salthill Mothers Mafia’, here in Galway, on the West coast of Ireland. A rather disturbing phenomenon that has come to my attention over the last few days.

Perhaps because of the increasing warm weather and sunshine, and only so far only witnessed, thankfully, on the Salthilll prom. It seems to consist of a group of youngish to middle aged Mothers with children in pushcahirs maundering down the prom usually in pairs or sometimes as I witnessed this morning in a group of six taking over the pavement, like a group of out of control hells angels, who it seems like would give no quarter to any person, man. woman or child getting in their way.

With this group mentality seems to be accompanied by a rather distasteful sense of aggression and entitlement. All rather un-necessary, and I cannot understand what they have to feel entitled to, as any woman, been healthy can give birth to a child.

I am considering writing an academic paper on this rather perplexing phenomena, and presenting it at an upcoming seminar, dealing with among other topics, the issue of dysfunctionality among women new to Motherhood, in our rather prestigious university, NUIG.

Should any Psychologists, Sociologists, or experts in Anthropological studies wish to collaborate on such a paper , please do get in touch. It is possible to see these subjects in their own environment, and one can watch and study them unobserved, as I was doing this morning, they can usually be spotted any morning on the Salthill Prom, usually across from the local lesiure center, called Lesiureland, between the hours of approx 10 : 30am to 12 : 00 after which they seem to disappear, thankfully, some may venture, untill like a bad dream they appear the following day.I did this morning see this assembled group cavorting in one of the shelters along the promenade, under the auspices of some form of exercise, but it seemed to onlookers, of which there were a few, like some type of ritualistic initiation ceremony, which involved the ladies in question, standing on one leg, while still holding onto their pushchairs, in which the children lay, blissfully unaware of the madness going on around them.

But the Mothers to all intents and purposes, looked as though they were squatting one legged while using the toilet, bottoms in the air situation, which was quiet an amusing sight to behold, to those of us watching. Unfortunately I was not quick enough to get the mobile camera out for this particular behavior, but did manage a couple of photos of the group at large in the wild, which will have to suffice for now.

My main question would be is this phenomenon observed in other countries, or is it just something individual to Ireland, and Irish Mothers. Most perplexing.

Please Enjoy,

A Bemused Onlooker