
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

His Eminence held the book in front of the assembled monks, priests, invited religious leaders from around the world.

‘In this tome handed down from millennia are the secrets to the world order. Who actually runs the world. Who decides what happens. It has remained a secret within these hallowed halls, for hundreds of years. But I have being called upon to divulge its contents to you. The assembled, invited leaders of your people’s, your followers.’

Their were murmurings of excitement within the assembled audience, in the darkened church hall. Adorned with religious statues of many creeds. The scent of incense at times overpowering. The low repetitive chanting of the unseen voices adding a sense of tension and suspense.

‘ I will also reveal to you today, what happens when we die. Where we go. The exact date the world will cease to be, and what will happen then

‘Hersey, this is nonsense. How can you possibly know. What give’s you the right to divulge this secret knowledge to the masses, that have being hidden from them for hundreds of years.’  The voice from the audience was loud and angry.’ He stood up, a large man, with an ornate sword hanging from his hip. A wild beard on his face. His angry, and thunderous.
‘Who are you to profligate such nonsense ?’ How dare you assume such an exalted position of power and knowledge. Who has called on you to divulge such powerful knowledge held within these scriptures.’

The eye’s of his Eminence meet those of the beast of a man daring to question his nobility and power. Never before had any questioned his authority. He looked to his aides at the high table to furnish him with information and knowledge as to the identify of this disrespectful entity, who had the temerity to question him.

‘Who are you, and where do you come from.’ he demanded.

‘Where I come from, and who I am, matter little. But I am hear to tell you that you have no right to divulge the secrets held within that tome, and if you do so, I will see you through with this sword that lies by my side.’

The assembled audience watched and listened quietly to the war of words between the two powerful men. The private guards that ensured His Eminence ultimate survival looked to him for guidance. Awaiting his order to attack, spears and scarberts at the ready.

His Eminence consider his choice of words carefully. His spoke slowly, powerfully and with much thought. His dark black sac cloth cape and regalia, adding to the perception of his power.

‘ I trust all of you specially invited, to never divulge the secrets buried within this tome. To ensure the continuation of the world order as it is, which has served us all so well. Are we not, as it stand the purveyors of the law, and wealth. Long may it continue’.

The assembled audience cheered loudly in response.

‘Silence’. Again the large unkempt man for the midst of the audience stood up.’There is no need to reveal the contents of those scripture’s you hold in your hand. For those of us that already know what they contain, that is enough. For those that do not know, that is how is it to be’.

‘I can promise that to any that divulge the contents of these scriptures outside of these hallowed halls. Will be cursed forever more to a life of suffering, destitution and suffering. Not only in this life, but in their many reincarnations to come. Not they alone, but the lives oft their families and loved ones will condemned to the same fate. Do you understand’, he asked loudly, slamming the tome down on the altar beside him. Many were startled by the sudden loud noise.

The eerie chanting continued in the darkened background, getting progressively louder and faster. Building toward’s a crescendo. His Eminence turned his back on the audience, and began to mumble in Latin. Quietly at first. Few recognized this version of Latin and Hebrew mixed together. The large velvet curtain behind the altar was pulled aside, revealing the symbol he worshiped. Gaps of disbelief were heard from the audience, then silence. He dropped to his knees, and recited the Latin and Hebrew words faster and louder, that he read from the parchment in his hand, over and over again. The unseen voices chanted ans matched his tempo and speed. His raised his arms in adoration and called on He who is pure evil to come this very moment into his life.
His body shock as the evil power entered his body, he heart turned black, his eye’s red. His voice took on a demonic tone, deep and rasping. His aides on the altar moved away in fear. The chanting of the unseen voices, overwhelming, repetitive, almost hypnotic. An atmosphere of extreme evil, menace, suffering, torture and death swirled around the hallowed hall. He turned around to face he who had the temerity to challenge him. His red eyes’ and scarred face, twisted in a grotesque snarling smile. With his imbued evil power, he pointed his hand at his enemy and unleashed a torrent of black putrid energy, that traveled at speed towards he who had dared to question. The audience scattered and ran, rightfully fearing for their lives.

The energy struck it’s recipient with such strong force, the large angry man with the wild beard was knocked to the ground. His Eminence on the altar waved his hand up and down, pointing in many different directions as the black putrid energy followed and obeyed his commands. Repetitively  stabbing and stomping on the fallen prey. The large fallen man’s eye’s were pecked out of his head. Some of the energy was forced into his mouth, and chest, strangling his organs and breathing. When the large man was no more, the evil energy, screamed cruelly and returned to the altar, and back into the body from whence it came. His Eminence collapsed on the altar, and black ravens flew overhead, silently watching. The eerie chanting stopped. Light began to fill the darkened chamber, and many of the hiding audience began to pray.

Written in response to a prompt seen here :

An Emigrant’s Tale

Photo Crredit :

I must sleep now and rest my mind, allow it to unwind
What is this at my throat, who is this man
What does he want from me, I don’t understand
No, not my full stash of cash
If you take that, I’ll never be free
Your not getting that. I will fight with all my might
Oh God, please help me. I’m losing this fight

‘There’s no help for you child, you have not done right
You must pay the price for the past you left behind.
Let that be a lesson to you, there’s no escaping karma for any of mankind
Those who steal, defraud and our unkind
Those who murder, who abuse and are cruel
They may think they get away with it, but they are only fools
One way or another, life say’s you gotta play by the rules
Do onto other’s as they do onto you

Your time is up, karma has had its say
You will not live, not even one more day
You will die a death, that will be cruel and unkind
But that because of that attitude’s you have in your mind
You don’t play by the rules, you gotta pay the price
Maybe next time round, try to be nice, honest and true
Treat other’s right, be kind, and decent too
Then maybe life will look fondly on you

I’m leaving my homeland, I gotta be free
I don’t care what other’s think of me. I’ll never return
I’ve stolen from my own family, what do they think of me
Gotta get away from all this poverty and strife, this ain’t no way to be living life
It just has to be better, just wait and see
The West promises riches, I want part of that
Even if I must lie, steal, cheat and defraud my way to the top
That’s something I’m prepared to do
Find myself a rich husband, he can see to my needs and desires
I will see to his too
I can’t wait to get their, live the high life
This is what I desire, this is my right.





Which Way Now ?

Photo Credit : Photo Credit :

Indecision is the worst, make’s you want to burst with the stress of it all
What if, what now. Time is running out. Tension and angry moods
Matched by those you meet. No more smiling faces, and happy vibes
My energy is tense, anxious all up in my head
These are the people I’m meeting, not what I wish to see
Could be something in that law of attraction
What you are, that mood, that vibe, and energy that you project
This is what you see out and about

I think most have learned by now, if you’re in an angry mood stay home
Your better off being alone, at least for now
Otherwise the people you meet, who may have being sweet last week
May turn into monsters, you’d rather avoid
Serious unsmiling, unfriendly people, this is what I’m meeting currently
How can you be this way, is what I’d like to ask them
But better not, as they don’t seem open to conversation
Best let it lay, and figure it out myself

Must be down to the vibes I’m putting out
My worry, indecision and tension. Focusing all on that
I look forward to when I’m back on an even keel, where I’m just chillin
No angst, no more what if’s, what should I do
Make your decision and stand by that. Whatever may be, will be
I mean it’s only a damn piano, not saving live’s lost at sea
This living in the moment, being right here, right now
Is near impossible, when you have issues to solve
I list the pros, and con’s for and against, and whichever is ahead
I go with that
But what I’m I wrong, and make a mistake, and regret the choice I made
As one guy said one time, all you get from sitting on the fence, is a sore backside
This fella was no philosopher, but what he said is true
So I’m going to get off that fence, make that choice, that’s what I’m going to do
And expect the tension, and anger to disappear
Hopefully then my life, my world will get back to some sort of peace, and tranquility.

The Piano.

Photo by Isaac Ibbott on Unsplash

I am confused, not so much amused. I don’t know what to do
I’m beginning to wish I never bought it
I have to decide, real quick if to give it back
Exchange or refund

It has to get from here to there, most probably by air
But most courier companies here, have review’s that I swear
Would make you wonder, how they stay in business at all
Angry customers, packages gone missing, damaged
Rude uncaring staff, no refunds. All this is no good

To say I’m stressed, and I could be a lot less, is the truth
Then we have the issue of noise
A loud shuffling noise when I play, particularly the quieter pieces
That takes away from the pleasure I may enjoy
But it’s the weighted keys they say, that’s just the way
What of others living here, although they may not here me play
It’s that drumming noise, as I hit the keys, that seems to reverberate throughout the house
and I know how irritating that can be, and would not like to be on the receiving end of that, see

I don’t want to be mean, and cruel. But trying to figure out what to do
How can I dampen the sound, so it aint so  loud
Allow others some peace of mind and tranquility
Blankets, towels, cork tiles under the instrument
To absorb and contain the sound hopefully
Oh man, how can this be
I just want this situation sorted completely, real soon

The Dentist.

Photo Credit :  photo-graphe on Pixabay.
Daily Prompt: Cavity.

‘Lay back’,

Those were the last words she remembered, before she lost consciousness. His tones soothing, comforting. She gently floated off to another world. A bright meadow, where sheep grazed in the mid afternoon sunlight. The crickets croaked by the nearby pond. She ran towards the horses grazing in the fields, and they stopped and slowly moved towards her.

Both white horses slowly approached her, not realizing how shy these large animals were. They were more afraid of her, than she was of them. They bowed the large, muscular  shoulders towards her, so she could stroke the warm manes. Which she did for a few moments. She noted the gentleness in the horse’s eyes, and felt safe, and secure.
The white horses moved towards her again, and she retreated from their advance.

‘No, Go Back’, she said loudly. Never afraid to speak her mind, as young children do. She slapped both horses across their nose’s to teach them a lesson. The horse’s kept coming, pushing her into the large nearby bushes, where she fell to the ground. She watched as the horse’s changed from the gentle white colour, to a malevolent dark black colour. The ir eyes became narrow and angry, and as they raised up on their hind legs above her.

She screamed, they laughed. They began to trample her into the ground, deeper and deeper, until she could no longer breathe. From under the ground she could hear the angry horse’s stamp on the ground above her. She struggled to free herself, but was unable to do so. She began to weep. Scared, alone and afraid.

‘It’s alright’, he said. His words comforting, and soothing. ‘It’s all over now’.

With that, he smiled at her,and helped her from the chair, and called the dental nurse, to guide her towards reception.


Photo Credit : Greyerbaby on Pixelbay

Daily Prompt: Restart

‘No that’s not how it’s going to be. We will not be doing that. Sit back in your seat, and be quiet, and don’t annoy your Father while he is driving.’

Another boring Sunday afternoon drive among the nature trails that she had seen soo many times before. Same old, same old. Repetitive nice conversations. It was the same scene every few weeks, after he had stopped drinking, at least for a time. Or to be truthful until the next time, and there would for sure, be a next time.
It was their joint attempt at reconciliation, after the wasted money been spent. After the hurtful words and accusations spewed at each other, with seething venom, that is when they were actually speaking. It was predictable. The alcoholic bender. The broken promises. The threats. The screaming and shouting, slamming of doors, and kitchen delf. The accusations of infidelity. The children finding their own ways to avoid, and hide from the craziness. Finding their own adventures, or trouble. Living their lives through reading, their friends and films. Anyway to keep the madness from their minds. The indulgent hedonistic lifestyle coming to a halt after a period of a month or so.
Followed by sadness, much regret, and false promises of positive change, that all knew would come to nothing eventually. The glorious and pleasant making up, until the next time. It was sickening. Truly it was.



Photo by Peter Lewicki on Unsplash

Empty inside, is this what its like to die
A waking death, nothing more needs to be said
Barren life. Ain’t no strife, ain’t nothing going on
Aching for human company, please someone speak to me
I just can’t go on, this barren path no more
It never changes, this. Such a struggle to be alone
Always it seems on my own
Is their something wrong with me, or just a lack of opportunity
To meet with and interact with others
Could always try volunteer work, although most of those people ain’t right in the head
There seems to be a lot misaligned with them as far as I can see
Lover’s in short supply
Who knows, maybe life will seem better tomorrow
No sounds, no voices, my world is silent
People close by, but they may as well be on a different planet
As they seem so remote to me
Sorrow and self indulgent, perhaps so. But that’s what’s happening here
Of course many people are just not worth the bother
With their idiosyncrasies, and character not to my taste
But in moments of weakness, when the silence becomes unbearable
Is when my standards may lower temporarily
To allow such people in


Stained Glass Window
Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash

via Daily Prompt: Ceremony

They stood together at the altar. Her sense of happiness palatable. If  any from the happy congregation could have seen his face, and austere expression, it would have conveyed much about his thoughts.
He stared straight ahead. Not at her, and especially not at him, although he was aware of the self satisfied smirk. That look that said it all. The look that said, We have a secret. You will never tell, and I will get away with it.
He listened as he continued with the prayers, and the blessings. The hypocritical blessings and prayer’s from one so sullied with sin. It was sickening. In the quietness of the church, the creaking wooden door opened and he watched the priests face turn from arrogant self satisfaction to fear, and anxiety. Perspiration began to trickle down his face. His words became muffled and quiet, so much so, people strained to hear the ceremony.

He so wanted to turn around and see the cause of the priest’s unease. She sensed what he was about to do, and pulled hard on his hand, and briefly glared at him. Her angry eye’s told him all he needed to know. So to keep the peace, he continued to stare straight ahead, and wait for the priest to regain his composure. But that was not forth coming.            The sun shone its warm healing rays through the many stained glass windows, brightening the church interior. There friends and families looked on with joy and happiness. many believing this was a coming together that was ment to be, from a very young age.

The stench of alcohol was pervasive, from he assumed the latest entrant into the church. The priest lamely continued with the ceremony. But his words were still weak. Barely audible, and he continued to perspire, and glance furtively and continually at the congregation. His anxiety plain to see.

Then it started, as expected, and brought with it  a sense of relief. We all could sense something untoward was about to happen, and now the waiting was over.

‘You Bastard’, the words were loud, thunderous, and slurred. The ceremony stopped. Many in the congregation turned to see where the angry words emanated from. Some ignored the angry words, which were heavily laden with many years stored up emotion. Hoping things would quieten, the priest continued the ceremony. The priest rocked back on his heels, nearly knocked over by the force of the anger and venom, that the words were wrapped in.

‘You Bastard’, again the angry words revebatred around the peace and solemnity of the small country church. His anger directly aimed at the priest. There was loud shuffling among the seats, as a few of the others tried to contain, and control the drunken angry man. Tried to plead with him to see sense, and not ruin a young couple’s wedding day.
He broke free of those holding him, energized by his indignation and sense of righteous, and stood in the aisle, before the altar. His voice even louder this time. His face red, and tortured. Reflecting his years of alcohol abuse. His dark suit, shabby.

‘You did this to me’, he screamed at the priest, who again rocked back on his feet, as he absorbed the words directed at him.
‘Had you not taken my innocence as a child to satisfy your perverted sexual desires, I would have never ended up like this. Why do you think I’ve become an alcoholic, a drug user, Why ? he asked accusingly, never once lifting his gaze from the priest. ‘To hide those memories deep within my mind, and soul. To hide that shame, that has haunted me all of my life. That sense of filth and inadequacy I have felt since. Why could you not have let me be, Why ? You caused this, to me and many others, and I’m here today to call you out. To let the members of your congregation, and this small town and community know that you are not that helpful innocent soul, the do godder sent by God, to do his good works. You are a charlatan, a deceptive, sleazy lying manipulator, who in the past has taken the innocence of many young boys, and condemned them to a life of misery, addiction, chaos, abject life failure.’ ‘You’, he continued to point his shaking hand at the priest, ‘used your position and power, and our sense of deep shame, humiliation, and fear to satisfy your lustful desires at our expense. Satisfied in the knowledge that none would speak out and expose you. Well no more. You are, a destroyer of people’s lives ‘.
The congregation listened in silence to the man as he unleashed his vitriolic speech, swaying slightly in the aisles. The priest looked uneasy on the altar. The young couple turned around to see who was this intruder into their peaceful wedding day.

Then it stopped. The shouting, the anger. The loud angry man collapsed on the floor. None moved to help him. Just watched. The young couple at the altar turned round, and after a few moments, Jason, the groom went to the fallen body. The stench of urine, an unwashed body, alcohol and cigarette smoke that emanated from the man, was stomach turning. The long hair was unkempt and matted with dirt, and God’s knows what else. Those in the congregation watched in silence, as did the priest.
He moved closer to the fallen man, and moved the his long filthy hair away from his face, to check his breathing. The mans skin was in even worse condition close up. Pock marked with red sore’s, a few of which were leaching some disgusting poisonous looking liquid. His breathing was short, fitful, and strained. He called for a Doctor, a nurse among the congregation. For an ambulance to be summoned. He searched inside the mans crumpled dirty suit for some ID. In his hand the collasped man held with a tightened grip an object on a broken chain.  Not knowing why, but Jason wrestled with the clenched hand to release the object. Eventually securing it’s release. He studied the object, wiping away the accumulated dirt and filth.

He recognised the silver coin, given to him by the older brother he so much admired. The coin from all those years ago, that held pride of place among his belongings, and which he treasured. A symbol of their togetherness and closeness, a bond which would never be broken.

‘Where did you get this’, he asked the fallen man urgently. His voice loud and urgent.

‘Tell me where, Goddam you. Answer me’. He shook the man’s shoulders hard. But no response.

He had searched over many years for the brother he so loved and admired. Never knowing what had happened to him, was worse than actually knowing. No contact for years. Nothing.

Jason lent over the  older collapsed man, wishing him silently for his consciousness to return.

‘Where the hell is that ambulance’, he called loudly to no one in particular.

The wedding congeration looked on in silence.

The man continued to struggle to breath. His breath’s audibly becoming weaker, and fewer. Unable to fully expand his chest. He moaned quietly. Jason watched his face intently, and was helpless, as the last sign’s of life slowly ebbed from the man. His lips turning slightly blue. The failing weak breath telling its own tale. Jason closed his eyes, began to pray by the man’s his side, and wished him a safe passage to the next life. As he knelt beside the fallen man, with his head bowed in prayer, his hand was gripped in an iron clamp. He looked up and into the now open eye’s of the fallen man, and in that instant he recognized him. That slight smile, that twinkle in his eyes, told what he needed to know.

Then he was gone, life extinguished. In that small church on that bright summer’s day, not a sound was uttered.