So Jesus Where are You Now ?

So is their actually a God, or whatever you believe in, if anything up there ? Looking after our welfare here on the planet. With this ongoing, very deadly, boring pandemic going on all around the world.

I would like to see religious leaders of whatever faith justify and explain that. How can a loving God, or whoever, if they are from what we’ve been told since forever, are all powerful, how can they allow such a disaster to unfold all over the world. Decimating populations, bringing untold sadness and heartache to millions.

I see very little in the media or online form the so called religious leaders, offering words of comfort, because there are very little words to explain this misery we are all suffering from. I now question the religion I was forced to go along with as a child, like the rest of the population in what used to be a very Catholic country, not so much now, and even less so with the senseless massacre of many millions of people around the world.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it certainly makes me question the actual existence of a higher power looking after us. A higher power, a guide we can rely on when times are tough, and they don’t come much tougher than this. So when one of the mainstays of one’s life can’t cut it anymore, even if it ever could, it does leave a person floundering in a sea of some insecurity, and unanswerable questions, and very doubtful of what happens to us all in the hereafter.

Maybe there is no Heaven, no Hell, no Paradise. Perhaps there is no judgement for the way you lived your life, when it’s all over. Were the commandants just a set of rules devised by actual human beings, a very long time ago, to keep society civilised, rather than the barbaric mess it was before that. Just maybe we’ve all being fooled all along. I don’t know…..

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