
Photo by James Wheeler on

Moderation in all things. Is that not that well known saying from long ago. Proven by the experience and wisdom of people who have tried it, and found the benefits to be true.     Excess in anything, from work, to gambling, to eating, to lovemaking, can and does rob one of the pleasures and enthusiasm one may have initially gained from these activities.

        Currently I am in the fortunate position where I can say to employers, ‘Well no actually, I do not wish to work for the next few days, and I will not work no matter how much I may be required for the business’.

I laugh to myself when I refuse their near begging pleas, and their barely disguised anger and frustration when I refuse their request. I work to please myself, not them. As I have learned in the past, employers will be quick to get rid of you, as soon as they can find a more suitable substitute, regardless of the positive attributes you may have brought to the job in the past. 

       From extreme loyalty, honesty, punctuality, a pleasant manner. It all means nothing to them, by and large, when they can see the dollar signs, looming large in their eyes.

What I often ask myself in such situations is the point of knocking ones self out, in terms of physical and mental / spiritual  near exhaustion, to please an employer. I have no problem whatsoever saying.’No’ to an employer, and let them deal with it. What, if any is the point of earning the large amounts of money, and then being too exhausted to spend it.

                                                         Its not that I am a millionaire. Its just that I live within my means. If I cant afford something cash, I aint putting it on the long finger or getting into debt over it. Then I would be forced to work. Luckily, and somewhat by choice I do not have children, if I had then perhaps my thoughts and obligations around the matter would change. When I do work, my days can be up to fifteen hours long, which I will do over the course of three to four days maximum, and then I wish to stop, rest and recover. Because at this stage the work is no longer an enjoyable passion, more a chore that I come to detest. 

                     Then an employer may get in contact after I have only rested for one day and ask when I am available to work again. Its at this stage that with much joy I respond, ‘ Not available currently, try in four or five days again, I may be available. I will let you know’.

    Where is the joy, the pleasure in life if their is no time to reflect on the people I have met through my work. Time to reflect on the experiences I have been through with my work. No time to write ! No actual time to think. Time to read, so important, and enjoyable. No time for the physical activities I participate in both for enjoyment, and for my health. My ethos in life would very much resolve around, relaxation, refection, time freedom, and choice

The bottom line would be, no matter how many hours you give to an employer, as a worker, you will never be driving the big fancy car, like they do. You will never live in the large expensive house like they do, and possibly send your children to private schools, and enjoy the expensive holidays overseas a few times a year. 

            If their drive, and desires have landed them a successful life, Good Luck to them. But if it comes at the cost of stress, no time freedom, no relaxation, and a headlong rush to the graveyard, that would not be my choice. 

Of course I would desire financial success and all the rest, but I would rather take the slow road to that destination, and arrive their rested, relaxed, at ease, and certainly enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

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