
Photo by James Wheeler on

Moderation in all things. Is that not that well known saying from long ago. Proven by the experience and wisdom of people who have tried it, and found the benefits to be true.     Excess in anything, from work, to gambling, to eating, to lovemaking, can and does rob one of the pleasures and enthusiasm one may have initially gained from these activities.

        Currently I am in the fortunate position where I can say to employers, ‘Well no actually, I do not wish to work for the next few days, and I will not work no matter how much I may be required for the business’.

I laugh to myself when I refuse their near begging pleas, and their barely disguised anger and frustration when I refuse their request. I work to please myself, not them. As I have learned in the past, employers will be quick to get rid of you, as soon as they can find a more suitable substitute, regardless of the positive attributes you may have brought to the job in the past. 

       From extreme loyalty, honesty, punctuality, a pleasant manner. It all means nothing to them, by and large, when they can see the dollar signs, looming large in their eyes.

What I often ask myself in such situations is the point of knocking ones self out, in terms of physical and mental / spiritual  near exhaustion, to please an employer. I have no problem whatsoever saying.’No’ to an employer, and let them deal with it. What, if any is the point of earning the large amounts of money, and then being too exhausted to spend it.

                                                         Its not that I am a millionaire. Its just that I live within my means. If I cant afford something cash, I aint putting it on the long finger or getting into debt over it. Then I would be forced to work. Luckily, and somewhat by choice I do not have children, if I had then perhaps my thoughts and obligations around the matter would change. When I do work, my days can be up to fifteen hours long, which I will do over the course of three to four days maximum, and then I wish to stop, rest and recover. Because at this stage the work is no longer an enjoyable passion, more a chore that I come to detest. 

                     Then an employer may get in contact after I have only rested for one day and ask when I am available to work again. Its at this stage that with much joy I respond, ‘ Not available currently, try in four or five days again, I may be available. I will let you know’.

    Where is the joy, the pleasure in life if their is no time to reflect on the people I have met through my work. Time to reflect on the experiences I have been through with my work. No time to write ! No actual time to think. Time to read, so important, and enjoyable. No time for the physical activities I participate in both for enjoyment, and for my health. My ethos in life would very much resolve around, relaxation, refection, time freedom, and choice

The bottom line would be, no matter how many hours you give to an employer, as a worker, you will never be driving the big fancy car, like they do. You will never live in the large expensive house like they do, and possibly send your children to private schools, and enjoy the expensive holidays overseas a few times a year. 

            If their drive, and desires have landed them a successful life, Good Luck to them. But if it comes at the cost of stress, no time freedom, no relaxation, and a headlong rush to the graveyard, that would not be my choice. 

Of course I would desire financial success and all the rest, but I would rather take the slow road to that destination, and arrive their rested, relaxed, at ease, and certainly enjoy the journey, not just the destination.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Are you feeling distressed, maybe not right in the head, as you look at the world we now live in
A nightmare scene, that Hollywood scriptwriters could never have imagined
Even in their wildest dreams
Are you so bored out of your mind, or perhaps been more productive
How grateful are you to those medical staff, risking it all, does it make you feel small
How did all this come about. Who can we blame
Are you catching up on those books, you always said you’d read
Is your house now so clean, its any housewifes dream

How about those people, your stuck with inside
Who at the best of times, can get inside your mind, and drive you insane
Do you hate, Do you dream of the day, you’ll be far the hell away from them
Perhaps you are learning patience, tolerance, letting things go
But also at the same time, also dreaming of revenge
What kind of man are you
Brexit, Syria, foreign wars fade from view, as they leave the world stage
The world comes together to combat this outrage
Empty streets, quiet days, and silent nights
Millions sit at home and wait, for our governments to open up the gates again
We stare out from our windows, disbelieving, and aching for all this to come right
The whole world brought to a standstill, by an unseen enemy, that can make us all so ill

Have you now found Jesus, or some other such saviour
Are you on your bended knees, promising to lead a life so pure and clean
He’d have no option, but to allow through those pearly gates
If that’s where your heading to
Will you be different, when all this is over
Kinder, perhaps. More generous in your view, and a lot more grateful too
Determined to do those things, you were forever promising yourself to do
Will those wasteful relationships, just have to go
Do you feel trapped, and just don’t know what to do
Do you wonder will the end of this carry on, ever come true
Are you alone, Are you afraid, for yourself, and others
Will the media be brought to book, daily force feeding us statistics, we’d rather ignore
Do I really need to know, another poor soul, has succumbed to this illness
Thousands of miles from where I am. Do I need to hear such stories again, and again
My heart jumps, my nerves on edge, stress levels, bursting right out of my head
Where is it safe to lay my head, tonite
Is that surface wiped down, or did I touch it again
Shall I run to the washroom, I need all this to end

Will all this put your life in perspective, about what matters most
Are you a millionaire, who will promise to care more, and donate to the science community, if only we can get through this
Hey those in government, health, education cutbacks in favour of a foolish arms race
Don’t seem such a clever move now, not that they ever were
Will you pay nurses fairly, or will it all be lost on you

Benefits of all this, crime rate is down, world wide. Global co-operation abounds
Stout people are getting slim. Pollution, global warming, all on hold
Time to spend with loved ones, and our children too
Malaria, Ebola, Sars virus, and many more, we’ve seen it all before
As a human race, whatever it is that we face, we endeavour, we endure
We settle the score, and we overcome, as one
The human race, resilient to the core
So you have faith now, one day very soon now, one of these scientific geniuses, will relieve us of our worldwide gloom

Knife crime, Gun Crime, Dying Time, London Time.


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Knife crime, gun crime, another young kid dying
Use that blade, shoot that gun, then when you do that
It’s all done
Think your tough, think your brave
What you really are, is afraid
Do onto other’s, before they do onto you

These are the actions of cowardly men
Weak, pitiful and meek man
Another drive by shooting, another young kid losing
Anyone with a knife, can take a life
Anyone with a gun, can make others run
Here son, take my gun, make the people hide
Make’s you feel real powerful, that ain’t no lie

What will Jesus say to you when you die
You took that man’s life, and now you must pay the price
Seek your redemption down there behind the gates of hell
Listen for evermore to that tolling bell
Where are the celebrities, the football stars, the ex gang members
To preach the peace, to these young people who behind it all
Behind the bravado, the brutal weapons, are small, afraid and weak
That one day it will they who is layed out a slab, as their relatives gather to send them off
As they become nothing more than dust
Wasted lives cut down so young, surely something can be done

Government cutbacks, so you can feed the fat cats
Now look what you’ve done, so many young people dying by the gun
Preachers, pastors and church leaders, we look to you for guidance
How come you’ve all gone so quiet
Are you out and about, tending to the young, showing them the folly of their ways
Maybe your hiding in your ivory towers, waiting for better days
When it all goes away
Are you Mother’s talking to your son’s, showing them the futility of carrying a gun
Father’s where are you, educating your children, you know, as you should do
With a guiding hand, showing them the lay of the land
The road to take, to be a better man
Brother’s and sister’s I ask of you, what it is you are going to do
Or will you look the other way too. You know what it is you must do
Teacher’s what are you doing in there. Is it anything, or do you not care
Or is it, that your afraid and scared
You have a duty, a responsibly too. We entrust our children onto you
For many hours every day. Your people of influence, have your say
Try to lead them clear, to see a better way

We look to you all to guide the young
To say the life your planning on living, is nothing but a dead end
Pull away from where your headed, it’s not where you want to be
Where are the community leaders, and youth leaders, where’s your voice, where’s your anger
We are relying now on your candour, pull no punches, say it loud
This behavior will not be tolerated nor allowed
We will shop you to the police, as we stand together in a crowd
We want out children home tonite, from the wild streets they roam

Where are these people to find that sense of bravery they seek
Hiding behind weapons of death, seem to make them look so weak
A loser who hides behind artificial means, to get what he needs
That sense of courage, bravery and daring do
If you want all that, join the damn army, that’s what you can do
They will welcome you, little fool
Kill, stab, main, travel the world and get paid for inflicting pain
Meddle in other countries affairs, bomb them to kingdom come
When your done the government will welcome you home as a hero
If you lose your legs or half your head on duty
Well they’ll hide you away, so you’ll have little say
Give you a medal to make your day

Another funeral, more anger and tears. Promises of revenge to quench their fears
The circle of death and violence, never end’s
Those who live by violence, if you keep knocking on that door
One day soon, life will even up the score
Will these young people ever learn
These young people should be embarrassed and ashamed to say
I used a gun or a knife on some other fella today
Cause that’s what I am, nothing but a cowardly, ineffectual man
Other’s don’t look to you and see a brave hero
They see a fool, who has nothing to be proud of in life
You ain’t got nothing, you got zero
Bravery, self worth and courage, are earned by pushing yourself to the limit
Not stealing someone’s life, at the point of a knife or a gun
Where are these rap stars, these social media stars
Using the power of their popularity to guide the youth of today
We need you to come out, and have your say
Tv program makers, make them sit up and listen
Say no more to this cowardly way, of acting to settle trivial scores
This ain’t the way it’s gotta be, watch and listen to this
There are alternatives to this, you will see

We gotto make them see, the consequences of their actions
For the lives they are taking
The impact it can have on a family and friends, when a loved one is unnecessary taken
In a non recoverable instant of anger and revenge
The untold human pain, and distress
That many will struggle to recover, from such a psychological mess
What might have been, what should have been, in a life lived full and to the brim
Instead of a barren empty chasm, that’s impossible to fill again

You aint brave, your just a slave to the media and tv, and other’s
Who would have you believe, you gotto take a life by gun or by knife
To add value, worth and bravery to your crew
Don’t be a fool to fall for that, whatever you do
Find better friends, and influences, should you need to make amends
For perceived disrespect put upon you
Handle it like a man, slap him round the face if you can
Rather than take his life with a hole in the head, as you shoot him dead
For words, that perhaps should have being left un-said
Slice and stab his life away with your knife
What about his young child and wife, can you really face that
Taking a mans life

That’s how real it get’s, friend’s stunned, Mother’s and Father’s wailing
Brother’s and sister’s going crazy
Human pain that never leaves, an aching heart, that forever bleeds
If you carry out that evil deed
Please think twice before you raise that knife, and take someone’s life
This is real, it ain’t no video game. They ain’t waking up, once you slay ’em
They are proper dead. Get that right, inside your head
How would you feel. How would you deal, with one of your own, not coming home
Cause some young guy, was too free and easy with a weapon
Proving a point, releasing his hate, on someone he blames
For imagined disrespect or similar

Unlike Lazarus, not too many can rise from the dead
When all is said and done, me old son
So before you take that fatal step, and shoot some guy through the head
Or stick him through with a knife, as any one could do
Have a think about the future consequences
Life has a way of paying back, what you give out returns ten fold
Have a think about that, perhaps you won’t feel so tough and bold
Karma is a real deal, and will leave a permanent seal on you and your family’s life
London 2018, what will we see today before the sun goes down.


time 2

Photo by Sabri Tuzcu on Unsplash

Time, just about  the most precious commodity there is. Do you really want to be working ninety hour plus, a week, to the point of exhaustion, just for the money. What about the time to reflect. To enjoy. To process and think over life events. Time to spend with your loved ones, and maybe children. Much of the lack of free time is to do with greedy, selfish employers, whom, from what I can see, pay those in their employ as little as they can get away with.
Consequently their generally low paid workers, have to spend most of their time, working all the hours God sends, in an effort to provide a decent life for themselves, and there loved ones. Maybe if these employers bought one less piece of expensive company equipment. Or maybe had one less holiday a year, and paid there workers a decent living wage, so they are not forced into working mad hours. How about that, a bit fairer all round, I’d say.
It certainly is quiet frustrating to read of company profits and turnover increasing, and not seeing that profitability reflected in one’s wage packet. The profits and turnover, you, as the employee are contributing to. I recently read an interview where the CEO of one of the major coffee operations in the world, with coffee houses everywhere. In that interview he relayed how he had being brought in a one parent family, by his Mother, in a poor area of town. Watching her struggle financially, under pressure and stress, trying to provide for her family. He determined there and then, that he would always remember how hard it was for his Mother, and that he would always be understanding, and helpful of others struggles on their life journey. Eventually managing to get himself educated, and successful to a reasonable degree, he became CEO of this internationally famous coffee company. How much do they pay their front line staff ? Minimum wage.
Maybe its easy to forget, where you’ve come from, and what you’ve being through, and what you promised yourself, when you are sitting in the plush boardroom, over looking the big city.

Generally I blame the employers, if you have to work for others. Where one is out of necessity forced to work very long working hours, for no great fortune. With little time for much else. To say it’s incredibly frustrating, would certainly be an understatement. Is chasing all that success, and the money, really that important ? You may  get to the graveyard a wealthy person. But were you so stressed out, and maybe missing out on important life, and family events, throughout your life. Missing the opportunity to connect with others on a deep level, form friendships that may have  lasted a life time. Not at all easy to balance it out. Did it all seem so worth it  now, looking back ? Not an easy quandary to solve. Time rich, and poor, or no time and rich. What matters to you, when you look back at your life, if your lucky enough to reach a healthy age. Of course, access to financial resources is an absolute bonus, as it makes life so much easier and smooth. Don’t you believe those Catholics and priests who tell you poverty, and suffering is the gateway to heaven. Trust me, it ain’t. I don’t believe God wants us to suffer. If there is a God, and we are all his children ?  If there is a God, I’m assuming he is a God of love, not a God of nastiness, and suffering. Don’t tread along that foolish path. Will you be a well to do person, full of regret, surrounded by the trappings of success ? But maybe angry underneath it all, that you missed out on so much.
I don’t have the answer. It’s very hard choices what you prioritize in life. No doubt financial wealth and independence is fabulous is one can achieve it. Leading to great freedom and choice in life, which is what I would strive for, and value most above all else. Maybe not everyone is cut out to be a successful entrepreneur. For myself, I certainly value time spent with loved one’s and friends, much more important than maybe a lonely existence of a wealthy person with the obvious trappings of success, but perhaps with a deep inner emptiness and loneliness, and much regret and frustration.
I don’t know if I’m coming back round for a second go, or if I’m coming back at all ! if you believe in reincarnation. Perhaps then I’d hold a different view. Who knows, maybe next time round I may be a wealthy man.

Psychological Self Defense for The Downtrodden.

Many human beings are predators at heart. Given a chance will try for whatever reasons
to get the better of others. Whether because of their own psychological make up, or God only knows why. So here are some quick and easy tips to protect yourself. Prevent yourself from being a victim.

1). In a confrontational, new or challenging situation, whether speaking up for yourself, or a physical altercation, expect to feel scared, to feel afraid. The butterflies in the stomach. The shaky , weak feeling in the legs. The dry mouth. The shaky, high pitched voice. It’s normal and natural. Just the bodies reaction to impending confrontation. Everyone feels it. Even tough looking bouncers and security staff, Policemen , Firemen, and others who seem so confident. It’s just that some hide it , that feeling of fear,( which is just another name for adrenaline ) , better than others. due to their constant exposure to challenging situations. One way to deal with the effects of fear is to label situations as exciting, rather than fearful. Because it’s similar chemicals that are released by the body to deal with such situations. Take an amusement park ride, or step into the boxing ring, same feelings, different situations.

2). Build up your self esteem, and confidence. Do what scares you,do what you are afraid of. Afraid of heights, climb that high wall. Afraid of public speaking, speak up at a public event. Start small, if you like. But when you do what your afraid of, the sense of self esteem and satisfaction you are rewarded with, is immense. Learn to love yourself, faults and all. Accept yourself for the way you are. All aspects of yourself. Walk away, and stay away from others who strive to undermine you, and crush your soul. Whether they be lovers, family, or so called friends.

3).Be Assertive. I f you don’t like the way someone is speaking to you, or treating you. Tell them. No need for anger, just say it as it is. Say how you feel.  If they disregard you, and pay no heed. Stay away from them. Cut them from you life if needs be. Refuse to interact with them, refuse to speak to them, if your stuck with parents,as an example who may be toxic to you. There is no need to put up with rubbish treatment from people. Be aware toxic people will not let you out their clutches easily, and their will be repeated attempts on their part to integrate themselves back into your life, to push through your psychological boundaries, that you have in place. About what behavior and treatment you are willing to tolerate or not, from others. With high self esteem, and been assertive you will become more selective, about whom you allow to enter your life, and what treatment you will tolerate from others. Not all people are nice, and good for you. Do not fall for the charm, and warmth and friendliness. It’s all a ruse. Because soon after the cycle of abuse will begin again. It will start small and then they will escalate it, guaranteed. Look out for it. Remember Mothers can be envious of their daughters , and Fathers can be envious and jealous of there sons.

Just a couple of quick tips, for a nicer life.